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【天天快播報(bào)】Lunar Magic Tutorials [Episode 3: Patches, ASAR, and Retry Syste

Feb 9, 2020

In this episode we'll install four different patches from the ground up.

Our focus will be on the Retry System, infinite lives, check points, and glitch fixing. Use the timestamps in the description to jump around! ASAR and patch download links are in the description as well.


0:00 Introduction

1:36 Getting Started - Preparing your files so they are easy to work with.

ASAR (Patch insertion tool) - https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=19043

NOTE: Retry System requires a step before the patch can work correctly. On one of your levels, click the 2nd door icon (to the right of the poison mushrooms icons) and make sure you have "Use separate settings for Midway Entrance" checked. Check the "README" file for more details (:

3:04 Retry System - Getting Ready to install our first patch! This patch has infinite lives, retry prompt, check points, and more.

Retry System - https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=18751

3:54 Retry System - Actually installing our first patch.

4:54 Retry System - Showing what Retry System does by default - Infinite Lives, Retry Prompt.

5:22 General chit-chat about Patches

6:49 Retry System - Instant Retry - Introduction to Retry_Table

7:57 Retry System - Instant Retry - Understanding the "tables"

9:53 Retry System - Instant Retry - The fast way of having Instant Retry on every level

10:59 Retry System - Instant Retry - Showing what Instant Retry does

List of Level Types - Which can be accessed from the overworld, special levels, and pipe/door access only.


12:12 Retry System - Checkpoints - Introduction to the Checkpoint system

14:06 Retry System - Checkpoints - Seeing the Checkpoint System in action

15:26 Removing the Status Bar - Clear up the top of your screen (No timer, points, coins, etc.)

Remove Status Bar / Nuke Status Bar - https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=18862

16:32 Glitch Fix - Sometimes spin-jumping on two enemies at the same time will kill Mario

Double Spin Jump Hit Box Glitch Fix - https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=13400

17:41 Renaming Files - When it is and isn't okay to rename a patch file

19:13 Glitch Fix - Sometimes Mario gets stuck on walls, which can interrupt a spin jump.

Wall Clip Glitch Fix - https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=19932

19:54 - Troubleshooting - Common problems, common fixes, and how to look for help

21:52 - Troubleshooting - The most common problem and fix in SMW ROM Hacks - Bonus Room - New save file

22:31 - SMWCentral - How to look for cool patches for your hack

SMWCentral Patches - https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&s=smwpatches

(Sorry about cutting off the right side of SMWCentral)

23:50 DanOfMostTrades - Where the heck have I been? - New job and future plans

25:49 DanOfMostTrades - What's next? - Next Videos and Robfather World 2 status

Feel free to leave questions in the comments!

You can download all of my original background music from my soundcloud (Most of these songs were also used in Robfather World)


My beginner Kaizo hack - Robfather World (Dedicated a really chill dude, Robfather)



